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Reception AreaDecorating Committee did a GREAT Job!!These yearbooks were gone through a lot!!Memorial Table – Debbie did a beautiful job.The organizing committee!Danny working the registration Desk! He didn’t even go to Riverview LOLPicture taken in the frame as guests arrivedThe Bartenders – the most popular guys in the place.Cheers!!Who’s the GUY with Betty?This is how to pose!!Now turn to your right!!!Who went to jail??Dan still had his student ID!!!Could have heard a pin drop during Debbie’s memorial presentation!Mr Len Davidson came up to tell a few stories!!Len still has his sense of humour.Gayle Jones also had some funny stories.Gloria speaking again to us 50 years later!!Her words had us all choked up!!Player and Coach!!Player and coach!!Raffle Prize and if fits!!!A quiet moment for Tim!!One of these things isn’t the same!!Bright and beautiful!!!Which pedicure would you pick?The thorn between 2 roses!!Find Cathie!Soul Sisters!!Al, you don’t need the answers from Dan anymore!!Two lovelies!!Hugs!!!Lets gather around the post!What did you say Cal??Who can draw faster?The classmate that everyone forgot!!!1974 Studs!!The Best Smiles!!I know the name of that SONG!Competition for Gerry!!Where’s the popcorn?Many attempts to try to get everyone’s attention.The graduates that could attend!!At this age – attention span in limited!!!!Let’s piss off the photographer one more time!!!